—Dr. Ashley Wagner, PhD of Equinutrix Although the discipline, exercise intensity, management style, diet, and breed may differ from one performance horse to the next, the fact that the job takes a toll on gastric health does not. So why ...

Did you miss it live? Watch it now! Equitana eQuestrian Celebration hosted EtalonDx for a live webinar exploring genetic secrets for horse performance. You won’t want to miss this presentation and the live Q&A that followed from Etalon advisors Kent ...

—Nettie Liburt, PhD., PAS of BUCKEYE™ Nutrition We often focus on training, strength, and nutrition to support optimum performance in our equine athletes. And rightly so! But equally important to training is recovery. In human exercise physiology, working in days ...

The Wellington Equestrian Community Plays for P.I.N.K. —Caroline Cochran, Tempi Media March 6, 2020—One night every year during the Adequan Global Dressage Festival, the spotlights of Palm Beach International Equestrian Center illuminate a distinctive competition that varies significantly from the ...

—Carrie Washburn, Performance Equine – Integrated Therapies Have you ever had the frustrating feeling that your horse feels “flat” and is having trouble engaging? Does it feel like lifting their shoulders and sitting on their hind end is harder than ...

—Carrie Washburn, Performance Equine – Integrated Therapies Many of us over the years have experienced, or at least seen, kinesiology tape in action. It’s colorful, sporty, bright, and it just plain looks cool. Athletes across the board, from high school ...

—ANGELA NUÑEZ, Certified Yoga Instructor               Yoga has taken the West by storm, and there are plenty of reasons equestrians should incorporate yoga into their weekly routines. As athletes who ride upon living, breathing, feeling beings, it is our responsibility ...

—ANGELA NUÑEZ, Certified Yoga Instructor Equestrians, athletes in their own right, can benefit greatly from incorporating yoga into their daily or weekly routines. There are eight limbs, or guidelines, of yoga, that help yogis live a life of purpose, but ...

—May 2, 2020 The NIGHTWATCH® team is proud to unveil some new and exciting features to the smart halter that provide further value to horse owners, trainers, breeders, and veterinarians. For the first time… ​Transfer and use a single smart ...